Tuesday, May 8, 2007


one of the greatest lessons i am learning from this process of developing a craft is that every step should be observed and relished. to wash and iron and block and dye and measure and read and read again. all these things before my scissors even enter the scene.

i appreciate having a willing model at the ready.

i appreciate washing materials by hand. good materials. linen and cottons. i am glad that i have finally come to realize the difference between cheap and quality. i appreciate my husband for tutoring me all these years in this regard.

i appreciate what shauna over at gluten-free girl (i'm too lazy for hyperlinks but check the sidebar over at my regular blog) has to say about taking photographs of her food. that it is a way of paying homage, of being aware. i take pictures of my fabric with that in mind.

i appreciate the light green tinge that my hands have today from dying the canvas for my sling. i noticed it when i was on my way to work this afternoon. there is a secret delight in being marked by your art+craft. the stray hair with dried clay, the paint under your nails. reminders of a self too distracted in the act of creation to worry over personal appearance.

1 comment:

amisha said...

i love this bib, and your thoughts on craft + materials. i agree that good materials make such a difference in the process. they make you stop and notice, to take the time to appreciate their tactile and visual qualities.
i recognized myself in your thoughts on being marked by your materials too :) i loved the feeling after ceramics class of being covered with clay, love wearing my shirts with their paint splatters. alas, knitting leaves no such marks unless one is poked by a stray needle! xo